Thursday, April 15, 2010

Make Your Own Homemade Cleaners And Save Money!

Are you looking for ways to save money? Making your own homemade cleaners is a great way to start. It also cuts down on the toxic fumes that are so obtrusive to us all! Here are 4 great recipes to get you started.

Homemade Window Cleaner
Mix together the following and put into a spray bottle
1/4 - 1/2 tsp of liquid detergent
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 cups water
Use this cleaner as you would any other store-bought multi-purpose cleaner. The key to this cleaner is the soap. It cuts the wax residue from the commercial brands of window cleaners you might have used in the past.

Homemade Oven Cleaner
1 Cup Baking Soda
2-5 drops of liquid detergent
Sprinkle water generously over the bottom of the oven, then cover the grime with enough baking soda that the surface it totally white. Sprinkle some more water over the top. Let the mixture set overnight.
You can easily wipe up the grease the next morning because the grime will have loosened. When you have cleaned up the worst of the mess, dab a bit of liquid detergent or soap on a sponge, and wash the remaining residue from the oven. If this recipe doesn't work for you it is probably because you didn't use enough baking soda and/or water.

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner
1/2 tsp. washing soda
1-2 Drops of liquid soap
2 cups hot tap water
Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake until the washing soda has dissolved. Apply and wipe off with a sponge or rag.

1/2 teaspoon oil, such as olive (or jojoba, a liquid wax)
1/4 cup vinegar or fresh lemon juice
Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wood surfaces. Cover the glass jar and store indefinitely.

Happy Cleaning!


  1. Hey, I just found your site via SITS. I have been trying to look up cleaning recipes, so I wanted to thank you for this post. I just am unsure what washing soda is. Is it different than baking soda? Where can I buy it? Thanks!

  2. Stephanie, thanks for stopping and glad this helped you out.

    Washing Soda is found at your local stores. I know Arm and Hammer makes it. Here is a link.

    That will show what to look for and the price

  3. I make my own laundry detergent...
    here's the how to:
    1 bar of castille soap (kirks or dr. bronners)
    1/2 cup of borax
    1 cup of washing soda

    grate soap into a pan of warm water, bring to a boil... but not a rolling boil... just enough to melt soap.
    In a bucket add borax and washing soda, pour in melted soap mixture and stir to dissolve. Fill bucket 2/3 way full with water and let set overnight. stir in the morning and use 1 cup for each load.
