Sunday, September 19, 2010

Multitude Monday

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of "things" to do. I sometimes find myself longing for more calmness and peace in my life, wishing I didn't feel pulled in so many directions.

I long to live a life that is simple and full of joy.

I am a list maker by nature. I have lists for everything I can think of. Kids activities, school schedules, budgets, groceries, and everything in between. List making is my way of freeing my mind. Somehow, when things are written down, then I feel better.

Today I stumbled upon a fellow blog, where I learned of another
kind of list.

A list that could truly change my life.

A list to serve as a constant reminder of graces given to me.

A list that could be added to over months and even years.

A list to look back on and see how God has provided time and time again.

After reading about this kind of unique list-making, I knew I needed to try this new habit in my life. Today I am starting my
One Thousand Gifts journey. I am excited to see what changes this will bring to my life.

I am inviting you along in my journey as I look at life from a positive perspective. I anticipate that this will effect my heart in ways I never imagined. Each Monday I will be posting here, a list of blessings that I am grateful for, and in doing so I hope it will be an encouragement to you as well. You never know... you just might want to start your own list.

I am thankful for...

#1 A family that blesses my life every day.

#2 Fresh inspiration when I need it most.

#3 My humble home that serves as a refuge in the midst of chaos.

#4 The Bible that is the blueprint for my life.

#5 A husband who loves God.

#6 My precious child, who spontaneously says "I Love You Mommy"!

#7 For the ever changing seasons that keep life interesting.

#8 For an encouraging word from a friend yesterday.

#9 Cool crisp autumn air and changing leaves.

#10 Cozy warm wool socks.

#11 Love that knows no bounds.

#12 Tears that bring healing.

#13 Birthday blessings.

#14 Meaningful conversations that fill my heart with joy.

#15 Coffee time and good chat with a friend.

#16 The song in my heart that seems to bring a melody when I need it most.

#17 Red crisp apples and autumn pears.

#18 Provision at just the right time.

#19 Hope for the future.

#20 Peace that passes all understanding.

holy experience